Have you seen a burrowing owl or two or more?
If so, then the Burrowing Owl Conservation Network is looking forward to hearing from you and record your burrowing owl sighting.
The information you provide not only aids in our conservation, research and tracking efforts, but it offers burrowing owls a chance for survival in an ever dynamic world full of urbanization. Additionally, it allows us to direct conservation activities to areas or communities that require assistance. As a U.S. Species of Conservation Concern and listed as either endangered, threatened or of special concern in many western states, the burrowing owl needs immediate action by concerned and observant people such as yourself.
Provide as many details regarding your burrowing owl sighting as possible:
• Date of observation
• Location (as precise as possible)Describe the location (is it an open field, parking lot, construction site, wildlife preserve, etc.)
• Any immediate concerns you observed?
• Number of burrowing owls
• Did you see any leg bands? Can you describe the bands?
• How long have burrowing owls been at this location (i.e. days, months, years)?
Thanks you for your help and reporting your burrowing owl sighting.
Please email the details of your sighting to: Sightings (at) Burrowing-Owl (dot) org